Project Documents
In 2004 and in partnership with the Nature Conservancy, Talbot County developed a Green Infrastructure Plan (Plan) that assessed critical resource areas such as woodlands, wildlife habitat, farmland and aquatic resources. The Plan identified high priority focus areas for land conservation efforts and growth management. The Plan also focused on land conservation strategies in targeted areas.
In 2020, community development and environmental professionals, policy makers, and citizens are becoming increasingly aware and concerned about Talbot County's susceptibility to flooding. Surrounded by the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, the low-lying County has nearly 600 miles of coastline; making the County highly vulnerable to flooding due to the combination of storm events and sea level rise. Several of the County’s historic villages are particularly susceptible to the damage that can be caused by flooding, including the historic working waterfront village of Tilghman. Talbot County also experiences flooding from its rivers and culverts due to excessive rainfall from severe thunderstorms; causing saturated soils, damaged structures and extreme danger to life and property. Submerged road sections are often located within critical evacuation routes necessary during major storm events including tropical storms and hurricanes.
In response to these concerns, Talbot County partnered with Maryland Environmental Service (MES) and Michael Baker International to update its Green Infrastructure Plan (Plan). Called "Cleaner, Greener Talbot", the revised Plan updates the resource assessments and conservation priorities identified in the 2004 Plan. Cleaner, Greener Talbot also addresses impacts related to flooding, storm surges and shore erosion.
Fore more Information, contact Miguel Salinas at 410-770-8030 or